Starting from:


24 Play Along Tracks Designed to Help You Keep a Song Form When You Solo and Play Time

NOTE: These tracks ONLY have a click track and my voice on them. There are no other instruments on these tracks.


This is a package of 12 Blues Form play along tracks and 12 AABA Form play along tracks I designed to help you improve your ability to keep a song form while soloing. The tracks are organized as follows: 

4 Levels - All tracks have a click track and have three tempos: SLOW, MEDIUM and FAST.

1) BEGINNER - I call out every measure and each section. On the blues, because the form is short, you will only hear “Top” at the top of the form.

2) INTERMEDIATE - I only call out each section.

3) ADVANCED - I only call out the top of the form.


4) EXPERT - I only call out the top of the form at the very beginning and at the end of the track.


What's included:
- 24 play along tracks with a click  (MP3 format) 

 - 1 PDF of the blues form and rhythm changes song form


Great for:
- Drummers
- Pianists

- Bassists


Watch my video lesson on this topic HERE.